Hello All WE WISH YOU ALL A VERY BLESSED NEW YEAR! We are so excited to tell you that the year 2024 has been our best year to date for donations! Our total for 2024 is $118,291.29!! Thanks be to God! This brings our grand total, from 2004 to 2024, to $1,455,210.72!! Wow, we are truly blessed and humbled by the amazing generosity of so many caring benefactors, who give us, and the Haitian people, such great HOPE! This HOPE certainly gives us the strength to carry on doing what we have been doing for 21 years! We cannot do this work without the prayer and financial support of each one of you! Thank you so very much! With the rising need for feeding the hungry, at the present time, the majority of our work is centered around school feeding programs. In Haiti, they do not have social agencies to help them out. We provide noon meals of rice and beans for seven Catholic schools in the north of Haiti. This noon meal is the only meal most of these students receive in a day. We cannot feed these children everyday of the school year. We pray that in 2025, we are able to raise more funds to provide more meals to feed these students everyday! To feed a student one meal, costs .75 cents Canadian. Please consider helping to feed more children in Haiti! Project Precious Haiti also provides some students with school tuition, uniforms, and other school supplies. We keep our operating costs at around 5%. The majority of these costs are for bank and wire fees, website and domain fees, and an accounting fee for our yearly review for the government. We do not use any of this money for personal use. We believe we, and our board, are good stewards of the money donated! We are blessed with a wonderful board of directors to help us as we journey together to continue to keep much needed HOPE alive in Haiti! A big thank you to Jen, Brenda, Mary and Don! Although we were not able to return to Haiti in 2024, due to political unrest, the work of Project Precious Haiti was able to carry on, due to many faith filled and trustworthy people who want to help their fellow Haitians. They are very accountable to us with reports, receipts, and pictures. There are a number of ways you can donate to Project Precious Haiti...... Cash Cheque, made payable to Project Precious Haiti E-transfer to projectprecioushaiti@gmail.com Website projectprecioushaiti.org We truly appreciate your ongoing prayers and monetary donations in helping to keep much needed HOPE alive in Haiti! We pray for you all each day! God bless you with his faith, hope, love, peace and joy in this new year 2025
Marg and Jim
SAVE THE DATE........DONOR APPRECIATION SOCIAL Sunday May 4th, 2025, 1-3 pm Falstaff Family Centre Entertainment, Refreshments, Presentation We hope you are able to join us and learn more about us.
Students enjoying their hot meal of rice and beans at St. Francis de Sales school inVaudreuil, Northern Haiti