Humbling Trip To Haiti October 2023

Hello Everyone, It is so good to share with you about our recent return to Haiti!

We enjoyed a truly humbling and amazing trip! It was so good to see everyone again, to return to our second home! As our airplane flew closer to Cap Haitian, we could see the mountainous terrain with many homes of all kinds becoming clearer. There were tears welling up in my eyes, thinking of all the trips we have made to Haiti, along with all of the work that has been done in the north of Haiti through Project Precious Haiti! Many memories started flooding through my mind of all the HOPE that you have helped to bring to the Haitian people! It felt so very good to be returning after more than three and a half years! The excitement was building as we landed on the tarmac! As we exited the airplane, we could hear the wonderful band playing by the entrance to the terminal, welcoming us back to Haiti. They were so happy to greet us as I danced a bit and put money in their box. 

Life has gotten much more difficult for the Haitian people since we were last in Haiti! Their economy is much worse. We received many more pleas for help. Even though their lives are very difficult, they welcomed us with open arms and hearts! We received so many words of gratitude in helping them to have HOPE! The word humbling always comes to mind when working with the Haitian people. No matter how difficult their life may be, most Haitian people cling to their faith in God to help them best deal with their trials. They continue to teach us so very much! We really do not have anything to complain about here in Canada, however, we do! The Haitian people always ask about our family! Family is such an important part of Haitian life. They need each other and they tell us they are always praying for us and all our benefactors. They want us to pass along their thankfulness to everyone, for bringing them HOPE!

This three week trip was packed full of visiting all of our missions that we serve in the north of Haiti. Everything was safe for us. There were no concerns about our well being. We know many of you had concerns about us going. We stayed at Hopital Bon Samaritain (HBS) most of our trip and did day trips to some of our missions. We ended up staying at two of our missions, as well. When we arrived at HBS the welcoming from so many people was heartwarming! It was so nice to see the eight children in Hodges House foster home at HBS. They all have certainly grown in three and a half years. We have to look up to many of them, as they have gotten taller.  They are doing fairly well in school and are growing into wonderful young people! They range in age from 10 to 20 years old. It is hard to believe. We spent a day with them at the beach, Chou Chou Bay, near the end of our trip. It is always a fun time! 

Distributing clothing in a rural school near St. Rapeal with Father Antoine.

New Crocs for the 8 children in Hodges House Foster Home at HBS.

One of the many amazing cooks we have met in all our travels.

Jim helped Shawn at HBS get caught up on many fix up jobs, along with some administrative work. I did administrative work, as well, along with spending time with the 9 children in the orphanage, Kai Mira. These children all have special needs and they touched my heart by the joy they radiated upon my arrival! They teach me so much, truly humbling! HBS is so detrimental to the people of the Limbe Valley.

We visited our nine schools that we support, which was an emotionally fun time. Two of the schools were for the first time. They are located in a remote area with bad roads to travel. However, it was well worth the challenges! Seeing the excitement of our priests, the staff and students makes us realize we are doing Our Lord's work and need to continue! We received so many hugs, fist pumps, handshakes, songs of welcome and words of thanks at all of our missions! Tears of joy were definitely flowing! We saw many children on this trip with orange tinged hair which means they are malnourished. We certainly need to continue with the school feeding programs, as this noon meal of rice, beans and other ingredients, is the only meal many of these children receive in a day. I, Marg, spent my birthday in Haiti which was wonderful. I ended up having two parties. One at HBS and one at Fr. Patrick's on the night of my birthday. It is hard to put into words the love we feel from the precious Haitian people!  

This trip assured us we need to keep the work of Project Precious Haiti going to help  with the ever increasing needs in Haiti! We HOPE and PRAY we can expand to help with some of the pleas for help we received on this trip! Donations are always welcome and greatly needed!

On behalf of us and the Haitian people, a big thank you, for continuing to keep much needed HOPE alive in Haiti through your donations and prayers. We cannot do this work without the ongoing generosity of so many wonderful and caring people, like yourselves!

God bless you, Marg and Jim