School Supplies and Toothbrushes

St. Aloysius elementary school in Stratford donated work books for us to take to Haiti. We went to Christ the King school, which has 3 preschool classes and grades 1 through 6. This school is in Morne Rouge, approx. 12 kilometers from Cap Haitian, and is in a very poor area. They were very happy to receive these books.

Another item that was well received was toothbrushes that we received from our dentists, Dr. Barlow & Dr. Smisek in Stratford.

It is the simple things in life we take for granted, that these children, and adults alike, are so grateful to receive.

We are so truly thankful for all of the amazingly generous people Our Lord has placed in our lives to provide for all that we are able to do for the Haitian people.

Preschool & Grade 6 Classes

Preschool & Grade 6 Classes

Books in Grade 2

Books in Grade 2

Distributing work books in Grade 5

Distributing work books in Grade 5

Books in Grade 3

Books in Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 4

Book with toothbrush in Grade 2

Book with toothbrush in Grade 2

Toothbrushes in Grade 1

Toothbrushes in Grade 1

Toothbrushes in Preschool

Toothbrushes in Preschool

Fun at Recess

Fun at Recess